Leaving the house with a soldering iron, and a load of flimsy fabrics, had my menfolk wondering what on earth I would do next. I spent a fabulous weekend on a Margaret Beal course. She is a brilliant teacher, and we all learnt a lot. I haven't finished anything yet, but they are on the list of things to do on cold winter evenings. Here are some of my samples. some with machine stitching, but the rest still in their early stages. Only the two at the bottom have any stitching on at all, the others are held together by the soldering iron fusing the organza togther. All the cutting is done with the soldering iron as well, it's great fun.
I bet you had a good weekend Wendy, I've tried this and it's good, love your samples.
Your samples are great Wendy, even if they are unfinished. I have Margaret Beal's book but am ashamed to say I've only dabbled with all her good advice. There are just so many fantastic techniques to explore and not enough hours in the day.
This looks really interesting.... love the samples. I'd like those just as 'finished' pieces!
Such gorgeous materials, ooh I love them. Annette x
The course sounds great Wendy. Love your sample pieces. I always get very nervous around soldering irons so am full of admiration xx
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