Thursday 10 October 2024

Thursday journal with Neet

 The Words this week are 'You don't have to be crazy to be my friend- I'll train you' Alison's having a peaceful morning away from work, visiting her friend Ellen who looked very relaxed sitting on her lawn with her pet owl on her leg, and a huge ladybird fascinator on her head. It was a really lovely friendly owl, but Alison thought her friend was a bit crazy having an owl as her pet, and why wear a hat in the garden on such a lovely Autumn day. She felt she was far more normal by having a somewhat neurotic dachshund called Sid. Sid was busy keeping his eyes on the owl. waiting for an opportunity to chase it. "Don't even think about it Sid" warned Alison assuming Sid could understand everything she said. The two girls chatted about work for a while and then the subject of pets came up and Alison said "I think I am far too normal to be your friend if we are going to disagree on the subject of pets" said Alison. "Oh" replied Ellen, "You don't have to be crazy to be my friend -I'll train you" Ellen thought to herself that Alison was part way to crazy already with Sid as her choice of pet.

I am linking this to Alison's theme of Autumn colours and inspiration on Art Journal Journey

Thursday 29 August 2024

Thursday Journal with Neet


This is the last Dylusions Thursday journal page for Jo's theme of wonderfully wild on Art Journal Journey.

I have now completely run out of Zoo type animals and moving day is in 6 days time, it might be my last until I find everything again. The saying this week is 'That's a wrap on a day where I thought I knew what I was doing.'

Janice was having a chat to her little friend Lily from next door and telling her the silly thing she did today. "First of all I raided Mum's fridge and took out all the fats she had saved from cooking meat, I put them all in a bowl and melted them until they were really soft. I then mixed a load of chopped nuts and dried fruit in the fat, mixed it all up and scarped it into a few half coconut shells and put them in the fridge to let them set." "What a lovely kind things to do for the wild birds" said Lily. "Yes, the idea was very good" admitted Janice, "but there was a problem", "Oh what was that?" asked Lily. "Well it was a very hot day wasn't it, and all the fat melted and dropped on the grass and all the grey squirrels ate it instead, and that was not what I wanted to feed, they are very greedy animals and not native in the UK. I wouldn't have minded so much if they had been our native red ones." "Oh I see what went wrong" said Lily, "but at least it got eaten and not left on the grass so birds feeding on it might have been caught by that awful cat down the road." "Well I suppose that might have happened, so that's a bonus I suppose, that's a wrap on the day where I acted like I knew what I was doing."

This is a sort of true story as my youngest daughter actually did the same.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Thursday journal with Neet

 The saying this week is ‘I'm the best thing to ever happen to me' Not an easy one this week and I have no idea how to fit a story to this and Jo's theme of Wonderfully wild on Art Journal Journey. We are in the last two weeks before we move and I am working in complete chaos, with a brain that darts from one job to another. Do I really have that many clothes and art stuff!! this is going to be a bit short this week as I have left it to the last minute. It does have a sort of wild background though.

Joan is struggling with her neighbours who seem to prefer concrete to lawn and gravel instead of plants, it's like looking out onto a car park. Joan has a wild life garden with plants for the birds and pollinators. She had seen lots of butterflies this year and the bees were always busy on her flowers and shrubs. Her family were also a bit puzzled why she was so intent on a garden for wild life, and they could not be relied upon to give her plants or a garden token for presents. Joan said that they didn't know what they were missing. She couldn't understand why more people didn't make wild life habitats and was under the impression that where she lived she was the only concerned person. None of her friends understood her either and she said to herself "I'm the best thing to ever happen to me" No wonder Joan didn't have many friends.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Thursday Journal with Neet

The words this week are 'I'm still kind of a mess, but I guess we all are'  Freda and Sophie are in Sophie's lounge that she had  painted one wall in jungle colours. It's a bit busy for Freda but she admired it anyway. Sophie had spent a long time on her university thesis and this included a study of wild animals. She was passionate about the problem of poachers, especially of elephants. They were such beautiful intelligent animals and she couldn't understand who could possibly hurt them especially for trophies and monetary gain. 
Freda had decided to stand right next to the large elephant cut out and it did look as if it was actually touching her hair. " I know you love all the wild animals Sophie. but these are rather large, they take over the whole wall, and I don't think deer live in the jungle" said Freda. " It doesn't matter where they live, the important thing is to make people aware of the problem of all our disappearing species, can you imagine a world where there aren't any more elephants or tigers, to name but a few" replied Sophie. "Well no I can't, but surely it can't be that bad" said Freda. "Well I think it is and I will try to do something about it, even though I know it won't be any use, it needs more world leaders to do more. I'm still kind of a mess, but I guess we all are" Sophie replied.
I am linking this to Jo's theme on Art Journal Journey where her theme is Wonderfully wild.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Thursday journal with Neet

 'One day I will rule the world, util then I'm going to bed' 

My background is a mop up page with stencils and distress oxide inks. That in its self is a bit wild, but I added a deer with her baby to make it fit better with the theme.

Andrea and her friend Astrid were discussing the state of the world and all the crime that seemed to be so much in the news these days. Andrea was a bit of a rebel herself and sometimes her parents despaired with her and what she would do next. Andrea's real commitment was to save endangered species, make peace a norm throughout the world and to make sure everyone had enough to eat, and clean water everywhere was also on her list. She had also tamed a deer and its baby who kept coming into her garden and they followed her everywhere. 

Astrid did wonder how Andrea was thinking she would attempt all these insurmountable tasks and asked her how she thought she would go about it. As far as Andrea was concerned it was easy "One day I shall rule the world, until then I'm going to bed.

I am linking this to Art Journal Journey where Jo’s theme is ‘wonderfully wild’

I am linking this to Jo's theme of Wonderfully Wild on Art Journal Journey

Thursday 1 August 2024

Thursday Journal with Neet

 The words this week are 'I understand everything you're saying. and I am 100% certain that I really don't care'

 As the 1st of the month is on Thursday that means that Neet and I can't do much with the theme before hand. I also had some backgrounds done so fairly lucky in the wild background aspect. Luckily I had done a bit of Dylusion stamping before I packed everything away and can now use some of them for Jo's theme.

Jo from 'Let's art Journal is hosting Art Journal Journey this month with the theme of Wonderfully Wild.  

Susie and Mandy are cousins, but with very different ideas and tastes. Susie is mad on wild life and Mandy prefers her cat. Susie has spent ages painting one wall of her bedroom with a wild looking background and also found a huge picture of a giraffe her favourite animal. When Mandy walked in, her first remark was "Gosh I should have worn my sunglasses" " Not funny " said Susie. "I love it, and I'm pleased to see you actually match the colours really well, even though you do seem to have a tiled roof on your head" " There's no need to be sarcastic" replied Mandy "I bought the hat to match my outfit and it's very comfortable. I personally think you are taking this love of wild life a bit far, you'll be wearing animal prints on your clothing next" That's brilliant idea, and I understand everything you say and I'm a 100% certain that I really don't care" replied Susie. With that the cousins agreed to differ, let's face it if everyone was the same it would be really boring.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Thursday journal with Neet

 The words this week are ‘I can and I will... watch me ’ I am having a real nightmare with this computer 
and Blogger  in particular as it won't let me load my scan. I am using my phone to take a picture and upload that. 
Alice had gone round to see her sister Maureen who is a very good dressmaker and was making herself a dress for a party. When Alice arrived it was to see her sister's tailors dummy dressed in a mock up of the dress Maureen was going to make. "I presume that is the dress you are making for the party. It's a bit glittery on the top isn't it, and it doesn't go with the fabric of the skirt" she remarked. "Well" said Maureen "I think it's OK and I like it. I must find some gold shoes to go with it and a strapless bra." "Goodness it sounds worse by the minute" surely you won't dare wear it, it will look out of place in someones house, it's not a ball or cocktail party you are going to" said Alice.
"If that's a dare, then I can and I me.

I am linking this to Halle's theme of 'I've got a notion' on Art Journal Journey

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