This is a large tag measuring 8 1/2" x 4" for a swap. I love time so used that as my main subject. I sprayed the tag with glimmer sprays and stamped the images. The bird is made from metal, his tiny wings from German scrap.
Here are my first six pages for yet another chunky alphabet book. I can't seem to let these swaps pass me by, and have a great urge to own lots of chunky books. I suppose I might grow out of it some day. Already onto fabric books, so goodnness knows what I'll latch onto next. These are all 4" x 4", have to have stamping on, and the letter of the alphabet on them, and the word they represent on the back.
Last weekend I went on a course on Thermofax screen printing, which was a completely new venture for me. Angie's friend Jeannette demonstrated the screen printing, and we then did our own thing. We had previously dyed our fabrics, and had a wonderful time getting inky. Angie then showed us how to add other fabrics, foil, and machine embroider on top of the printing. I have started some hand and machine embroidery on the pink and blue one at the bottom.
I am interested in all types of art and crafts,including altered art, ATCs, painting, and textural crafts, especially embroidery, and felting. I also like to combine paper and fabric in mixed media art. My passion at the moment is fabric books. I love gardening, when the British weather and my bad back allows. My gorgeous grandsons and granddaughter also lure me out of my studio, that is until they are old enough not to make a mess in there