Thursday 11 July 2024

Thursday. Journal with Neet.

First of all, apologies to Neet, I have done a different page to Neet. I have actually managed to do one that isn't even on our list. I have no idea what made me do that, I am definitely doing some odd things since I had my stroke in January.  It fits Halle's theme so that's one result.

The words this week are 'I'm not trouble just a challenge to handle ' Jennifer had suddenly thought that she hadn't heard any noise from Malcolm, her not easy to manage son. She immediately went on a tour of the house and eventually found him in her sewing room. She dreaded to see what he had been up to. "Hello Mum" he greets her with that I haven't done anything wrong look he managed to do every time he had been up to no good. "What have you been doing in here Malcom you know this room is out of bounds" "Well” said Malcom, first of all I decided to put some sewing decorations on the wall, and  I actually found a stamp that would do" Malcom thought he had been very clever finding that. " It isn't very straight though is it" said his mum. "Well the first one was then I slipped, so I tried to make the last one straight and that went upwards instead, but if you leave that lady in front of it, you won't notice so much" I see you have found the buttons to play with, I don't mind you doing that" said his mum, "but what are you doing with those scissors” panels one 20 x 600 the last time she asked. "Well I thought the lady would like a few more clothes, so I was going to cut some out" replied Malcom looking very innocent. Jennifer dreaded to think what he was going to cut up for her clothes, but didn't dare ask. She was going to explain to him that it was a dressmakers dummy, but thought better of it as his big brother called Malcom a dummy and he wouldn't understand the difference. "Honestly Malcom you are always in trouble, you must learn not to touch my things especially if they are dangerous as some things are in here. "Honestly Mum, I'm not trouble, just a challenge to handle. "Right out of here now and we'll get you some juice and biscuits” replied Jennifer. There was going to be a lock on that door from now on she decided, as visions of her curtains being cut to shreds springs into her imagination.

I am linking this to Halle's theme of ' I've got a notion' on Art Journal Journey.


Neet said...

What a story! I love it even if it is different to the one I think we should have been doing (I know actually as you gave me the list). Your story writing is getting longer so you cannot tell me off any more about mine.
Great page too and so different.
Hugs, Neet xx

My name is Erika. said...

I like your page Wendy, even if it is a different quote than Neet's. And I like Malcolm's wall decoration, b but thinking it was sweet that he tried to do something nice. Your page came out great too, and I love how you made it a sewing room. Thanks for once again joining Halle's challenge. And how is your move going? Are you still packing? hugs-Erika

Halle said...

How fun...a story to go along with the journal page!

Valerie-Jael said...

Fantastic story and journal page. I love it! And thanks for linking to AJJ. Take care, have a great day, hugs!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It may have been a different quote, but it was a fabulous journal page and very nicely done. I love the wall hanging and the buttons. Those scissors are great, too. Thanks for sharing another great entry with us at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme.

Gillena Cox said...

Fabulous page.
I am inviting you to link to Art For Fun Friday


craftytrog said...

A great story and a wonderful page Wendy!
Enjoy your week.
Alison xx

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