Friday, 31 December 2021

Paint Party Friday Week 42 Year 11

 For the last week of the year for Paint Party Friday, I have painted a Dunnock. We get a lot of them here and they are mainly ground feeding birds. They clear up a lot of the seed that the sparrows throw out of the feeders that they don’t fancy. They look a little bit like a cross between a robin and a sparrow. They are very quick and run around like little mice.


Christine said...


Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful bird! Hugs, Valerie said...


Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I could do with some Dunnocks here as the Sparrows sure are messy eaters. Beautifully painted Wendy. Happy PPF and all the best for 2022, stay safe Tracey x

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