Thursday, 6 March 2025

Thursday journal with Neet

'Start the day with a smile and get it over and done with' are the words this week. To enable me to link to Erik's theme of Home sweet home on Art Journal Journey I have included a window, some bricks and a house roof on Jean's head.

Jean had gone to visit her friend Celia, and Celia was not really looking forward to her visit. Jean was very critical of her friend's view on life and didn't feel she was making the best of things. It was a beautiful sunny day in early Spring and Jean had gone round to persuade Celia to go to a local garden that had a wonderful display of snowdrops of many different types. They were one of her favourite flowers and her Grandma's memory flowers. They had even managed to get some out of season when her grandmother was very ill. 

"Come on Celia, I really want you to see them, and it will do you good to get out in the sunshine, Come on you know you really want to"

Celia  had to smile at her friend and reluctantly got up and put her outdoor clothes on.    

"There you go, start the day with a smile and get it over with" said Jean.          

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Art Journal Journey - Music

 The last one for Vicki’s theme of music on Art Journal Journey which ends tomorrow.

Thursday Journal with Neet

 'I'd get organised, but it would confuse my family' are the words this week. Marianne and Anne had been friends since they started school  together when they were five years old. Things hadn't changed very much during the last twenty years. Marianne was still the neat tidy one and just loved being organised and wrote copious lists on jobs to do, shopping, work to do for her exams, books to read, and several others that she thought warranted a list. On the opposite end of the scale Anne was untidy and disorganised and somewhat lazy. Her parents had given up trying to get her to tidy her room and to get lots of practice in on their piano. As they were paying for her lessons they felt that they could keep reminding her to do some practice every day.

When Marianne arrived at their house, Anne was greeted by Annes parents who said to her that she would be lucky to get into Annes bedroom as it was such a mess. Marianne doubted if that was true, but when she walked through the door she saw that their description wasn't far off.

"For goodness sake Anne,  how can you live in such a mess, honestly it must drive your mum mad trying to get in here to clean.

"Mum has no need to come in here, I clean it myself" replied Anne, somewhat put out at the criticism. "You know what I'm like, I don't think it's worse than the last time you saw it, is it? asked Marianne.

"The last time I came we sat in the lounge, so I don't know what it was like then" At least you don't have much floor to vacuum, it's covered in stuff, but dusting must be a bit difficult" said Anne

"Yes very funny, if I put it all away I wouldn't be able to find it" replied Marianne.

"Well said Anne laughing, you are probably right there"

"Anyway. I'd get organised , but it would confuse the family" said Marianne.

"Well , you probably right there as well" replied Anne.

I have linked this to Vicki's theme of music on Art Journal Journey.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Art Journal Journey - Music

A journal page for  Vicki's theme of Music on Art Journal Journey The background is tissue paper with two images on card added on top.


Thursday, 20 February 2025

Thursday journal with Neet

'I try to watch what I eat but it's too fast' are the words this week.

Annette was giving her friend a hard time about her weight and eating habits. She had been doing this for some considerable time. Annette was very slim herself and exercised and ate a healthy diet, and was not happy about the way her friend Esme was heading. 

"Esme, you are being very silly the way you don't cook yourself tasty healthy food, and you have put on a lot of weight since you left your mum and dads. Eating fast foods and snacking all the time is not good for you. The clothes you wear hide all the extra weight, but I know it's there and so do you."

Esme thought. Annette was being a bit bossy and said "It's alright for you, you have always been slim, I'm just reverting for a while.

"What do you mean your'e reverting for a while" replied Annette.

"Well, said  Esme, when I was a baby I was chubby, so that's what I am now"

"We were all probably chubby babies and you are being childish to come out with an excuse like that " replied Annette.

Esme was obviously not going to win this argument, and finished the conversation with " I try to watch what I eat but it's too fast.

Annette just gave up and grinned at her friend and tried to concentrate on which musical instrument to learn how to play next.

I am linking this to Vicki's theme of music on Art Journal Journey

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Thursday Journal with Neet

   'The best man for the job is a woman'  are the words this week. Sometimes I agree with that statement, or as my Dad used to say, If you want a job doing, do it yourself.

Audrey wanted her friend to go to the sales in town and had asked her last week. Kathy had said no, as she was waiting for the plumber to come to fix her dripping tap that was just getting worse by the day. As she was on a water metre she was dreading the next bill. Audrey went to see her to see if the job was done as she knew Kathy liked nothing better than the sales, as she could buy the past Winter things so much cheaper.

"Well, is it done" asked Audrey a few days later.                                                                                                               

 Kathy was ready with the answer "No it isn't, he didn't turn up, so I left a message on his answering machine and told him not to bother coming as the job was now done, and added that she wouldn't be recommended his services to anyone"

"Wow, how did you get someone else so quickly" asked Audrey.

"Easy, I didn't, I went out bought the tools and did the job myself' 

"Gosh, I'm really impressed" said Audrey

"Well "said Kathy "The best man to do the job is a woman"

I am linking this to Vicki's theme of Music on Art Journal Journey.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Thursday Journal with Neet

 The words this week are. 'Lead me not into temptation, I can. find the way by myself'

   Heidi was the young sister of Amelia who was obsessed with films and television. To be fare she did go out to work during the week and considered the weekends time for leisure activities, as long as it wasn't too energetic. Heidi on the other hand was still at school and considered the weekends a time to learn new things and go out to interesting places, including a bit of television, especially the nature programmes and a few of the classic serialisation of interesting books. For  this term her parents decided  to send her to violin lessons. What she would do with this new found skill she wasn't sure, as  unless you were extremely talented there didn't seem to be much of a future career in it. It was time for her to leave to go to her lesson and Amelia was trying to persuade her to stay at home and watch the new series of Pride and Prejudice. It was the first episode tonight, and as it was on at the same time. each week there was no way Heidi could miss that many, as  much as she would like to.

Heidi gathered all her things together and headed for the door, and as she did so Amelia tried to persuade her to stay and watch the television with her.

Heidi just looked. back at her and said "Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way by myself" 

I wonder if Heidi was a little bit tempted ?

I am linking this to  Vicki's (http://stampedsmiles .com theme off Music on Art Journal Journey

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Thursday Journal with Neet

 The words this week are 'Life is good, without it we would be dead'                                                    

 It was the Summer holidays and Millie was in charge of her younger brother Alfie and sister Jennifer, and she was getting a bit fed up with his constant grumbling. They had one little dog called Poppy and they now wanted one each. Alfie was certainly not old or sensible enough to look after one and Millie knew she would end up looking after it. She didn't mind, but she was off to university in September and it wouldn't be fair on the dog to leave it in the incapable hands of Alfie. One dog Jennifer could and did look after really well, she fed it and took it for walks after school every day, but Alfie would soon get fed up with that. Everyone knew Alfie's enthusiasm wouldn't last very long, he was always in trouble, even in school, and no doubt he would probably want to keep picking it up and hugging it.

"Can I have a new bike instead" asked Alfie, "I would like a racing bike please"

"Don't be silly Alfie , they are for grown ups, you are no way big enough for one of those, you will have to wait until  you are about thirteen  for one, and anyway what's wrong with the bike you have?"

"It's old and the paint is chipped" replied Alfie.

"That's  because you don't look after it, and just drop it where ever you happen to get fed up riding it, I had to fetch it from the park last week, when you decided you had had enough and wanted to play football instead, and for goodness sake stop grumbling about everything it gets very annoying"remarked Millie.

Jennifer decided to keep quiet, now was not the time to get her big sister to allow anything remotely different. She would bring up the subject of a new hair style another time.

Alfie was about to come up with another idea, but before he could get a word out Millie told them both not to ask for anything, they were allowed more than most children were in the first place and should be grateful for their comfortable life. " Just remember life is great, without it we would be dead"

With that they both went to find something interesting to do. I am linking this to Mia's theme of Dots on Art Journal Journey


Thursday, 23 January 2025

Thursday journal with Neet

 'Housework doesn't kill you, but why take the chance' are the words this week.

Rebecca was sitting on the floor when her cousin Greta arrived for a visit, and Greta's first greeting was "what are you doing just sitting on the floor at this time of the day ?"

"Well, I have nothing urgent that needs doing at the moment " Rebecca replied

"Well look at all the cat and dog hair on the carpet for a start, why don't you vacuum it up then" asked Greta.

"Yes I know, and I wish now that I had bought one of those poodle crosses as they don't shed hair" said Rebecca, I would perhaps not have the cat either. Not only is he a real grumpy thing but sheds loads of hair, he won 't let me brush him either"

"Perhaps that's why he is looking at me, hoping I'll give him a new home, you've hurt his feeling" said Greta.

"He'll get over it, and anyway I know  housework doesn't kill you, but why take the chance" replied Rebecca. 

There's no answer to that, and Greta wondered what her cousin would do if she offered to vacuum the carpet for her.

I am linking. this to Art Journal Journey where Mia's theme is dots.

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Thursday Journal with Neet

 The words this week are ' I used to be Snow White, but I drifted' I stamped and coloured the background    background with some dots to link into Mia's theme of Dots on Art Journal Journey Esme also has dots on her clothes.

Esme and Amanda were having a real heart to heart discussion on what they had decided to do  for their New Year resolutions, not that either of them would keep them for longer than a week in some cases even a month, but the thought was there. Esme had decided to give up chocolate ( a hard decision that one ) and not to talk about any of their friends in a derogatory way. Another one she thought of and might just last longer was to keep a boyfriend for longer than a month, to give him a chance to improve. Some smaller more private ones she decided to keep to herself.

Amanda's hardly ever lasted more than a week, sometimes she forgot what they were. This year she had decided to visit her parents more often, and be kind to her little brother ( that one wouldn't last long ) Not eat any more sweets, she was addicted to fudge. To work hard at her typing, even though she found it difficult to remember where all the letters were, and to work on her personnel skills as she wanted to get into the Human resources department at work. They were the major things to work on and this year she would try really hard to achieve them.

Esme asked Amanda if she thought she would manage these as she didn't do very well  last year. "No I know I didn't, before last year I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.

Well make sure you don't drift this year. I'll keep an eye on you and you can make sure I keep to mine as well"Said Esme.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Thursday Journal with Neet.

The words this week are 'Everything slows down with age'  Well I know how that feels.

The two sisters Amy and Millie are pestering their mum Janeen to show them how to play tennis as a new sports centre has opened in their town and there are some beginners courts. Some of their friends already know how to play and they thought it would great to play against them, if they could get the hang of it and be worthy opponents.

 "Not today girls, I'm a bit tired, and a lot of running about is just too much just now" 

"But Mum I don't think it will be too much, we will probably spend most of the time picking the tennis balls up off the floor when we keep missing the ball"  replied Millie who was the eldest. 

"I still think it's too much today and I don't really want to go out at all" said Janeen. "Why don't you go and play table tennis in your playroom for a while, and then it will be tea time. I'm too old for all this activity" 

"Mum you are not old said Millie, "no where near as old as Grandma and Grandad, I don't think they could play tennis"

"Flattery will not get you anywhere Millie, everything slows down with age, you will find out when you are older" replied Janeen.

The two girls went off to their playroom, knowing they were not going to win  that discussion, and thinking that if Mum thought she was old, then Grandparents must be well past it. They didn't want to get old in a hurry, that's for sure.

I am linking this to Mia's theme of dots on Art Journal Journey.


Thursday, 2 January 2025

Thursday Journal with Neet

The words this week to start the new year off are ' If you want the best seat in the house you'll have to move the cat ' Maureen had gone round to see her best friend Trudy, not just to wish her a Happy New Year but to see her new cat as well. Trudy had been to the cat rescue place in town as she thought it better to rescue a cat rather than to start with a kitten. 

Maureen, after greeting her friend, asked how she was getting on with the cat, was it settling down, and what did she call it. 

" To be perfectly honest I don't know what to call her, Contrary or Awkward would be suitable, but it's a bit of an odd but correct name for this one. She looked so pathetic in the cats home and I felt sorry for her and she really looked as if she liked me"

"Well doesn't she like you" asked Maureen. "She looks very contented in that chair"

"Oh she thinks I'm great, I Buy her a special chair, fluffy and comfortable in the shape of a cat and what does she do, takes over the best chair in the house, so if you want the best seat in the house you'll have to move the cat"

"It's OK, I think I'll join you on the floor" replied Maureen.

"And to add another thing, I buy her the food she had with the rescue people and she won't eat it, I have gone through every cat food I can find and she will only eat the very best and most expensive one and any chicken I might have spare. She's going to cost me a fortune. Apart from that she is kind of cute. Any idea of a name for her while I make you a cop of coffee?"

" I'll think about it while you make the coffee" said Maureen.

I am linking this to Mia's theme of dots on Art Journal Journey

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