Thursday, 30 November 2023

Thursday Journal with Neet

For our last page on Thursday journal using Jo's theme of Nature on Art Journal Journey, our words are 'Not only does my mind wander... sometimes it walks off completely'  Ruth has been having a one sided conversation with her two cats, Smudge and Grumps, and as she isn't getting any response from them, apart from a huge frown from Grumps, her mind starts to wander. 'Should I get another cat from the rescue place to keep the two she has company and cheer Grumps up a bit. Will it really cheer him up or make him worse, it's debatable. These two are getting old so a kitten would keep them on the toes (paws) and make them more playful, or would they want to chase it out of their territory. Ruths mind then takes a long walk in another direction, how about a nice little dog, like a Dachshund. They only have short legs so it wouldn't be any bigger than the cats. It would certainly go a long way in keeping them in order, and give her some exercise as she would have to take it for a walk ( a short one ) every day, or do you have to take them for two walks a day, and in the rain and snow, but not deep snow as they only have short legs. Ruth decided to stop thinking and just stick with Smudge and Grumps and get her mind back in order.


Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely page and a great story. My mind often wanders off!

Neet said...

Grumps certainly does look grumpy but as how he is I think she should stick with what she has. I'd love a dog but walking every day in all weathers puts me off a bit. Not to mention my age! But we don't even go there.
Hugs, Neet xx
ps hope you two are doing fine x

Let's Art Journal said...

Fabulous page and story! Loving the little dog, so adorable 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at AJJ! Hugs, Jo x

My name is Erika. said...

Ha ha. I love that pup that Ruth is thinking about getting. I talk to my pets all the time. I bet the cats wouldn't like it if Ruth got a dog. Smile. Thanks for joining us Wendy for Jo's challenge. hugs-Erika

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