The saying this week is ‘I'm the best thing to ever happen to me' Not an easy one this week and I have no idea how to fit a story to this and Jo's theme of Wonderfully wild on Art Journal Journey. We are in the last two weeks before we move and I am working in complete chaos, with a brain that darts from one job to another. Do I really have that many clothes and art stuff!! this is going to be a bit short this week as I have left it to the last minute. It does have a sort of wild background though.
Joan is struggling with her neighbours who seem to prefer concrete to lawn and gravel instead of plants, it's like looking out onto a car park. Joan has a wild life garden with plants for the birds and pollinators. She had seen lots of butterflies this year and the bees were always busy on her flowers and shrubs. Her family were also a bit puzzled why she was so intent on a garden for wild life, and they could not be relied upon to give her plants or a garden token for presents. Joan said that they didn't know what they were missing. She couldn't understand why more people didn't make wild life habitats and was under the impression that where she lived she was the only concerned person. None of her friends understood her either and she said to herself "I'm the best thing to ever happen to me" No wonder Joan didn't have many friends.
There is nothing wrong with either the picture or the story. Wendy, you are being too hard on yourself. Wildlife includes butterflies and flowers so everything about this entry is fine. Love the background.
Still waiting to hear where you are moving to?
Hugs, Neet xx
Such a fabulous page! I love the colourful background with the stencilling and your figure looks beautiful surrounded by the butterflies - perfect 😊. I hope your move goes well and thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey amid all the chaos! Hugs, Jo x
I get Joan's point of view Wendy. I live in the woods and so many people don't get why I have such a "wild" garden. You page is great though, and that story really does work for Jo's challenge. Only 1 more to go before September. This month flew. Have a super start of your week, and thanks for joining Jo's challenge also. hugs-Erika
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