Thursday, 26 December 2024

Thursday Journal with Neet

 The words this week are’ I only have a kitchen because it came with the house’ Shelley and Andrea are having a pre Christmas walk in the snow before they go back home to their flats to prepare for Christmas. Shelley is a very keen cook and was busy telling her friend all the delicious things she had cooked in readiness to the big day, mince pies, cheese biscuits , Christmas cake and pudding. All she had left to do was the actual meal and that was roast beef as her parents who were coming over for the day didn’t like turkey. “ What have you made “ Shelley asked Andrea. “ I haven’t made anything, all the vegetables are frozen and I bought the cakes and biscuits. You know me I hate cooking and I’m not very good at it “ replied Andrea. “ In fact I only have a kitchen because it came with the house” “ You really should learn how to cook or you will have to marry a chef, most men like good food” said Shelley. “ I’ll put it on my New Years Resolution list “ replied Andrea, knowing full well that it would only last for a few days. 

A bit of a quickie this week as I have a house full for Christmas. I hope you are all having a lovely time 

I am linking this to Sharon's theme of snow on Art Journal Journey

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Thursday Journal with Neet.

 The quote this week is 'People who hate cats were mice in a previous life' When Freda and. Eleanor are neighbours and good friends. When they were younger they both wanted a pet and their mums thought a cat would be suitable as not only did they take themselves for a walk you could leave them for a whole day and go out shopping or to visit some friends. This seemed a brilliant idea and both girls were allowed to choose their own. Freda was lucky and managed to get two a brother and sister. Tinker and Tipsy. When Eleanor went to visit her she was surprised to see Freda  outside with her two cats.

"Why are you standing outside in the snow with Tinker and Tipsy? asked Eleanor.

" Well, you must have come across the problem of visitors who hate cats, well some have just arrived, the lady is terrified of them, so I had to bring them outside until they have gone"

" Yes, that's something I've found,"  said Eleanor :it's not as if the cats are viscous or anything, but they have a knack of finding someone who just hates them and they decide to go and sit on their knee. Gosh it's cold, I know I have only walked from next door, but had I known  I would have put  a warm Winter coat on"

" I didn't have time to get one I had to grab these two and get outside, but I did grab my hat as it was on the hall stand" replied Freda. " Do you think I could come round yours with these two, or will your cat  try to attack them ?"

" They will be OK, they all play together in our garden, lets see if if they are OK in the house, if not you can wear one of  my coats and come and stand outside"

"Great replied Freda, you know I think people who hate cats must have been mice in a previous life"

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Thursday Journal with Neet.

The words this week are ' I used to be thin and gorgeous but it's my day off ' Sandra had gone to see her friend Maria who hadn't seen for a while. Thinking she might be ill it was a bit surprised when she arrived to find her inside the housed perfectly OK. Having ploughed through a few inches of snow she asked her if she would like to go for a walk and to give her and her dog Ranger some exercise. The dog was looking through the window, undecided if he actually wanted to go  out in the cold and chase that deer or stay in the warm. He tried to look as pathetic as he could and could see it was working. The decision was made, it didn't look as if Maria wanted to go out either. She was a very slim girl who didn't need to exercise to keep trim.  Maria looked at Sandra and couldn't resist the temptation to remark that Sandra could go walking in the snow if she wanted, it would help her loose some weight. Sandra was extremely annoyed and said "I used to be slim but it's my day off" Maria didn't know if she was supposed to laugh at that, but decided not to. With that Sandra went out and vowed not to speak to Maria again, although she did know she could do with looking a few pounds.

The one at the bottom is one I did for our Thursday journal but didn't put it on as Neet was unable to, due to illness. It was for my theme of the sea.

I am linking this to Sharons  theme of snow on Art Journal Journey

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