Thursday, 28 March 2024

Thursday Journal

 This week the words are 'Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh, I put up with you, so we're even' Maisie and her big sister Francis are having their usual argument about who actually owns Susie the cat and should therefor feed her and generally look after her. It's an argument they have all the time and Maisie thinks that as Francis is the oldest it's her cat, Francis thinks otherwise. If they ask their parents they always say Susie belongs to both of you, so you must share the responsibility. Maisie thought that didn't help one bit as it meant that her sister  made her do it all the time. Susie sat between them wondering when she was going to be fed, and as she couldn't possibly understand a word they said apart from her name was getting hungrier by the minute. Why couldn't they just feed her and get on with it. Francis was getting fed up with the time being wasted as she wanted to go out. In exasperation she turned to Maisie and said " sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh, I put up with you, so we're even"

I am linking this to Cris's theme of 'On all fours' on Art Journal Journey

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Thursday Journal

' I don't know where all the crap about me being a difficult person is coming from' are the words this week. Jennifer and her sister Olive are having a chat about all sorts of subjects including fashion the weather and boy friends. Jennifer was boasting about her current boyfriend and how generous he was to her, and Olive guessed that Jennifer  had been exaggerating about how good she was at cooking and how popular she was. Olive knew this was not true, she had been at the mercy of Jennifers cooking at various occasions and thought it was awful. She didn't want to hurt her sister's feelings, but couldn't resist asking her why she had an umbrella  on her head. " I thought it looked rather fetching and different" Jennifer replied. It took me ages to find a child she one that matched my outfit, and I think normal ones are boring and make you look old I think I have very good fashion sense. and while we are on the subject I don't know where all the crap about me being difficult person is coming from." Again Olive resisted from telling her why,after all she was wearing a hat herself shaped like a bird, on her own head. I am linking this to Chris's theme of 'On all fours' on Art Journal Journey.

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Thursday Journal

 'She said"that's a lot of money to spend on crafts, and I knew we could't be friends" are the words this week. Adrienne and Jane had spent their day at one of the big craft shows in London and with sore feet and empty purses they arrived home to Adriennes. Adrienne had managed to buy lots of craft items from nearly all of the stalls and Jane had only bought what was on her list, which was quite small. She couldn't afford much and really didn't need can awful lot more as she knew she wouldn't have time to use it all. On the other hand Adrienne seemed to have suddenly found new crafts that she hadn't tried before and Jane doubted she would use half of the goods for these. Adriennes cats looked on and wondered what all the fuss was about and why didn't they bring them some goodies as well. After Adrienne had sorted all her goodies out in separate piles, Jane asked her how much she had spent. WhenAdrienne told her she was astounded, it was more than she earns in months. With this very obvious difference in them Jane said " That's a lot of money to spend on crafts, and I knew we couldn't be friends" She gathered up her things and said cheerio, knowing that she probably wouldn't go to another craft show with Adrienne.

I am linking this to Chris's theme on 'On all fours' on Art Journal Journey

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Thursday Journal

 This week the words are 'I don't like to think before I speak, I like to be just as surprised as everyone else about what comes out of my mouth"'I expect everyone has been in this situation and Elise certainly had, in fact it applied to her more than it should. Elise had bumped into one of her school friends Barbara, who was out walking with her dog a ridiculous spoilt poodle called Fifi for goodness sake. They exchanged a few old stories from schooldays and then the conversation dried up. For want of something to say Elise said "Why have you dressed your dog in a thick coat, it isn't really cold and  Fifi also looks ridiculous in a hat and boots, dogs do not wear hats and boots' Barabara was somewhat upset by these remarks and countered with, you are being rude and hurtful, why did you say that?" Well replied Elise "I don't like to think before I speak, I like to be just as  surprised as everyone else about what comes out of my mouth" Not finding anything constructive to say to that Barabara walked off in the direction she was going in the first place.

I am linking this to Chris's theme on Art Journal Journey of On all fours.

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