Thursday, 20 March 2025

Thursday journal with Neet

 This week the quote is 'If you can't say something nice. Better to say nothing at all.' 

Bethan and Susan were discussing their hopes for the future and their thoughts turned to where they lived. They both decided that they wanted to live in the country, but not too far from the town they both worked in. Susan who was fairly down to earth had longed for a little cottage with a manageable garden and room for her hobbies. She didn't mind if it needed a few things doing to it as her brother was a jack of all trades and could cope with most house type jobs. Susan had some money saved and thought she could manage a mortgage, it would be ok as long as nothing major needed doing, after all she was paying a high rent for the flat she was living in, in town.

Bethan on the other hand was very extravagant and wanted a much grander home, with room to entertain and fill with beautiful things. She did earn more than Susan, but not by much. Susan doubted whether Bethan had saved very much and wondered how she thought she could pay for all this. Bethan was a a bit of a dreamer and had ideas far above her capabilities. 

The problem was the fact that Susan wanted to explain to Bethan that she should start small and work up to larger, not start at the higher size of property first. Susan didn't want to sound like a property expert or an adult with lots of experience with buying  a home. In the end she decided  that if you can't say something nice. Better say nothing at all. Let Bethan have her dreams, as she would soon find out that her salary would not be enough for the mortgage she would need to buy want she wanted.

I am linking this to Erika's theme of Home sweet Home  on Art Journal Journey


Neet said...

What a fab picture you have done for this quote and Erika's challenge. I love the various properties across the top of your page. The story that accompanies is well thought out fits perfectly for the picture.
Hugs, Neet xx

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a wonderful page! Loving the quote and you depicted your fabulous story so well on your page with the figures leisurely sat talking and old country style houses in the background - perfect ❤️. I hope you're having a wonderful week and sending you happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

My name is Erika. said...

I love your girls and all the little houses you added. They are super cute cottages and they would make Susan happy. I hope the girls aren't on a rocky road of finding a place to live that they can both agree on. This is another super page Wendy. Thank you again for joining into my challenge at AJJ. It is much appreciated. hugs-Erika

Elkes Lebensglück said...

You told a very good story and the page fits perfectly.
hugs Elke

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