This page is for Sian, whose subject is 'What colour are you' As I seem to use turquoise a lot, I decided that that was what I would use. It is a mixture of Paint, mesh, grunge board, friendly plastic, stamping, air dry clay, and wire. The surface to the left is a baby wipe, that I had used to clean a stamp after stamping with turquoise ink.

This is my page for Nicks in Astrids Round Robin. The colour I chose is Bronze, as I know Nicks likes that colour. Her subject is 'Lessons for life' I painted the mountboard, and then added tissue paper, plasterers mesh ( we are having an extension built, so I pinched some) metal, grunge board, stamping, and shrink plastic. The wording is stamped on metal with black Stazon. The back has other words and sayings on.