Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Thursday journal with Neet

 The words this week are ' It's not a mess, it's a work of art'

Angela had gone round to her cousin Biddy's  house for her usual weekly visit. Although Angela was a lot younger she got on very well with her cousin. They had both inherited the family sense of humour and had the same hobbies. 

Biddy had told her that she had surprise for her this week.. Angela thought it might be something extra special in the garden, as Biddy was a very keen gardener. The garden was always full of colour and it was   a pleasure to go round to see what else was blooming. Angela wondered if Biddy had bought some new exotic flower or a tree perhaps.When she arrived Biddy was sitting on the floor looking a bit smug.

"Well what do you think?"  Biddy asked Angela, whilst pointing to the wall, "I just finished painting it and I am so pleased with the effect"

Angela didn't know what to say and just stared at it in horror and was completely silent for just a bit too long.

"Well what do you think" Biddy asked

"To be perfectly honest I think it looks a mess" replied Angela, and thought to herself that Biddy should stick to gardening.

"Oh well, it's not a mess it's a work of art Replied Biddy with a slight edge to her voice.

"Can we go see the garden" asked Angela, "it looks gorgeous through the window.

I am  linking this to Erika's theme of Home sweet home on Art Journal Journey

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Thursday journal with Neet

 This week the quote is 'If you can't say something nice. Better to say nothing at all.' 

Bethan and Susan were discussing their hopes for the future and their thoughts turned to where they lived. They both decided that they wanted to live in the country, but not too far from the town they both worked in. Susan who was fairly down to earth had longed for a little cottage with a manageable garden and room for her hobbies. She didn't mind if it needed a few things doing to it as her brother was a jack of all trades and could cope with most house type jobs. Susan had some money saved and thought she could manage a mortgage, it would be ok as long as nothing major needed doing, after all she was paying a high rent for the flat she was living in, in town.

Bethan on the other hand was very extravagant and wanted a much grander home, with room to entertain and fill with beautiful things. She did earn more than Susan, but not by much. Susan doubted whether Bethan had saved very much and wondered how she thought she could pay for all this. Bethan was a a bit of a dreamer and had ideas far above her capabilities. 

The problem was the fact that Susan wanted to explain to Bethan that she should start small and work up to larger, not start at the higher size of property first. Susan didn't want to sound like a property expert or an adult with lots of experience with buying  a home. In the end she decided  that if you can't say something nice. Better say nothing at all. Let Bethan have her dreams, as she would soon find out that her salary would not be enough for the mortgage she would need to buy want she wanted.

I am linking this to Erika's theme of Home sweet Home  on Art Journal Journey

Thursday, 13 March 2025

Thursday journal with Neet

 'Many people have eaten in this kitchen and gone on to live normal healthy lives' is the quote this week. 

The two sisters, Emily and Sofia are in Emily's kitchen and Emily was wondering if it would be a good idea to invite their boyfriends around for a dinner one evening. It was Emily's idea and she asked her sister what  she thought of the idea and what should she cook. Sofia was a bit dubious as she didn't really think much of  Emily's cooking.

"Well, I'm not sure, do you really think you are capable of cooking a fancy dinner for two hungry men ? Sofia asked, "Normally you only cook convenience food or something on toast"

" Lets think of a menu first, then I'll know what I'm going to do' replied Emily

The two sisters sat down with some cookery books and decided on a three course meal, well Emily decided on the three courses as she was going to do the coking with Sofia helping of course.

Emily had decided on soup to start with, then steak with a nice sauce, new potatoes and a few green vegetables, and for pudding a fruit salad and cream. "That should be easy enough" said Emily. full of confidence. " I mean what could go wrong with that ?"

"Well" said Sofia "the steak could be over cooked, under cooked with too much blood oozing out when you cut it, or tough. The other two courses we might be able to manage between us. I'm still not convinced you can do this"

I'd like you to know, many people have eaten in this kitchen and gone on to live normal healthy lives"retorted Emily

I am linking this to Erika's theme of Home sweet home on Art Journal Journey

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Thursday journal with Neet

'Start the day with a smile and get it over and done with' are the words this week. To enable me to link to Erik's theme of Home sweet home on Art Journal Journey I have included a window, some bricks and a house roof on Jean's head.

Jean had gone to visit her friend Celia, and Celia was not really looking forward to her visit. Jean was very critical of her friend's view on life and didn't feel she was making the best of things. It was a beautiful sunny day in early Spring and Jean had gone round to persuade Celia to go to a local garden that had a wonderful display of snowdrops of many different types. They were one of her favourite flowers and her Grandma's memory flowers. They had even managed to get some out of season when her grandmother was very ill. 

"Come on Celia, I really want you to see them, and it will do you good to get out in the sunshine, Come on you know you really want to"

Celia  had to smile at her friend and reluctantly got up and put her outdoor clothes on.    

"There you go, start the day with a smile and get it over with" said Jean.          

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Art Journal Journey - Music

 The last one for Vicki’s theme of music on Art Journal Journey which ends tomorrow.

Thursday Journal with Neet

 'I'd get organised, but it would confuse my family' are the words this week. Marianne and Anne had been friends since they started school  together when they were five years old. Things hadn't changed very much during the last twenty years. Marianne was still the neat tidy one and just loved being organised and wrote copious lists on jobs to do, shopping, work to do for her exams, books to read, and several others that she thought warranted a list. On the opposite end of the scale Anne was untidy and disorganised and somewhat lazy. Her parents had given up trying to get her to tidy her room and to get lots of practice in on their piano. As they were paying for her lessons they felt that they could keep reminding her to do some practice every day.

When Marianne arrived at their house, Anne was greeted by Annes parents who said to her that she would be lucky to get into Annes bedroom as it was such a mess. Marianne doubted if that was true, but when she walked through the door she saw that their description wasn't far off.

"For goodness sake Anne,  how can you live in such a mess, honestly it must drive your mum mad trying to get in here to clean.

"Mum has no need to come in here, I clean it myself" replied Anne, somewhat put out at the criticism. "You know what I'm like, I don't think it's worse than the last time you saw it, is it? asked Marianne.

"The last time I came we sat in the lounge, so I don't know what it was like then" At least you don't have much floor to vacuum, it's covered in stuff, but dusting must be a bit difficult" said Anne

"Yes very funny, if I put it all away I wouldn't be able to find it" replied Marianne.

"Well said Anne laughing, you are probably right there"

"Anyway. I'd get organised , but it would confuse the family" said Marianne.

"Well , you probably right there as well" replied Anne.

I have linked this to Vicki's theme of music on Art Journal Journey.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Art Journal Journey - Music

A journal page for  Vicki's theme of Music on Art Journal Journey The background is tissue paper with two images on card added on top.


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